Class Flow.Settings

Global engine settings which don't fall into particular category or can't be assigned to a specific object.

Can be accessed using Flow.SetSettings and Flow.GetSettings functions.


crawlExtended Extended crawl moveset.
crouchRoll Crouch roll.
crawlspaceSwandive Crawlspace dive.
sprintJump Sprint jump.
ledgeJumps Ledge jumps.
poseTimeout Pose timeout.


binocularLightColor Determines highlight color in binocular mode.
lasersightLightColor Determines highlight color in lasersight mode.
objectCollision Specify whether camera can collide with objects.


color Flare color.
offset Muzzle offset.
range Light range.
timeout Burn timeout.
pickupCount Default flare pickup count.
lensflareBrightness Lens flare brightness.
sparks Toggle spark effect.
smoke Toggle smoke effect.
flicker Toggle flicker effect.


mesh Root mesh to which hair object will attach to.
offset Relative braid offset to a headmesh.
indices Braid connection indices.


statusBars Toggle in-game status bars visibility.
loadingBar Toggle loading bar visibility.
speedometer Toggle speedometer visibility.
pickupNotifier Toggle pickup notifier visibility.


gravity Global world gravity.
swimVelocity Swim velocity.


accuracy Shooting accuracy.
targetingDistance Targeting distance.
interval Shooting interval.
damage Damage.
alternateDamage Alternate damage.
waterLevel Water level.
pickupCount Default ammo pickup count.
flashColor Gunflash color.
flashRange Gunflash range.
flashDuration Gunflash duration.
smoke Gun smoke.
shell Gun shell.
muzzleFlash Display muzzle flash.
colorizeMuzzleFlash Colorize muzzle flash.


errorMode How should the application respond to script errors?
fastReload Can the game utilize the fast reload feature?


These settings determine whether a specific moveset is available in-game.
Extended crawl moveset.
  • crawlExtended bool when enabled, player will be able to traverse across one-click steps in crawlspaces.
Crouch roll.
  • crouchRoll bool when enabled, player can perform crawlspace roll by pressing sprint key.
Crawlspace dive.
  • crawlspaceSwandive bool when enabled, player will be able to swandive into crawlspaces.
Sprint jump.
  • sprintJump bool if enabled, player will be able to perform extremely long jump when sprinting.
Ledge jumps.
  • ledgeJumps bool if this setting is enabled, player will be able to jump upwards while hanging on the ledge.
Pose timeout.
  • poseTimeout int if this setting is larger than 0, idle standing pose animation will be performed after given timeout (in seconds).


Parameters to customize camera and everything related to it.
Determines highlight color in binocular mode.
  • binocularLightColor Color color of highlight, when player presses action. Zero color means there will be no highlight.
Determines highlight color in lasersight mode.
  • lasersightLightColor Color lasersight highlight color. Zero color means there will be no highlight.
Specify whether camera can collide with objects.
  • objectCollision bool when enabled, camera will collide with moveables and statics. Disable or TR4-like camera behaviour.


These settings change appearance and behaviour of a flare.
Flare color.
  • color Color flare color. Used for sparks and lensflare coloring as well.
Muzzle offset.
  • offset Vec3 a relative muzzle offset where light and particle effects originate from.
Light range.
  • range int flare light radius or range. Represented in "clicks" equal to 256 world units.
Burn timeout.
  • timeout int flare burn timeout. Flare will stop working after given timeout (specified in seconds).
Default flare pickup count.
  • pickupCount int specifies amount of flares that you get when you pick up a box of flares.
Lens flare brightness.
  • lensflareBrightness float brightness multiplier. Specifies how bright lens flare is in relation to light (on a range from 0 to 1).
Toggle spark effect.
  • sparks bool spark effect. Determines whether flare generates sparks when burning.
Toggle smoke effect.
  • smoke bool smoke effect. Determines whether flare generates smoke when burning.
Toggle flicker effect.
  • flicker bool light and lensflare flickering. When turned off, flare light will be constant.


This is a table of braid object settings.
Table consists of three entries, with first one representing classic Lara braid, and 2 and 3 representing left and right young Lara braids respectively. Therefore, if you want to access classic Lara braid settings, use settings.Hair[1], and so on.
Root mesh to which hair object will attach to.
  • mesh int index of a root mesh to which hair will attach. Root mesh may be different for each hair object.
Relative braid offset to a headmesh.
  • offset Vec3 specifies how braid is positioned in relation to a headmesh.
Braid connection indices.
  • indices table a list of headmesh's vertex connection indices. Each index corresponds to nearest braid rootmesh vertex. Amount of indices is unlimited.


These settings determine visibility of particular in-game HUD elements.
Toggle in-game status bars visibility.
  • statusBars bool if disabled, all status bars (health, air, stamina) will be hidden.
Toggle loading bar visibility.
  • loadingBar bool if disabled, loading bar will be invisible in game.
Toggle speedometer visibility.
  • speedometer bool if disabled, speedometer will be invisible in game.
Toggle pickup notifier visibility.
  • pickupNotifier bool if disabled, pickup notifier will be invisible in game.


Here you will find various settings for game world physics.
Global world gravity.
  • gravity float specifies global gravity. Mostly affects Lara and several other objects.
Swim velocity.
  • swimVelocity float specifies swim velocity for Lara. Affects both surface and underwater.


This is a table of weapon settings, with several parameters available for every weapon. Access particular weapon's settings by using Objects.WeaponType as an index for this table, e.g. settings.Weapons[Flow.WeaponType.PISTOLS].
Shooting accuracy.
  • accuracy float determines accuracy range in angles (smaller angles mean higher accuracy). Applicable only for firearms.
Targeting distance.
  • targetingDistance float specifies maximum targeting distance in world units (1 block = 1024 world units) for a given weapon.
Shooting interval.
  • interval float specifies an interval (in frames), after which Lara is able to shoot again. Not applicable for backholster weapons.
  • damage int amount of hit points taken for every hit.
Alternate damage.
  • alternateDamage int for Revolver and HK, specifies damage in lasersight mode. For crossbow, specifies damage for explosive ammo.
Water level.
  • waterLevel int specifies water depth, at which Lara will put weapons back into holsters, indicating it's not possible to use it in water.
Default ammo pickup count.
  • pickupCount int amount of ammo which is given with every ammo pickup for this weapon.
Gunflash color.
  • flashColor Color specifies the color of the gunflash. Applicable only for firearms.
Gunflash range.
  • flashRange Color specifies the range of the gunflash. Applicable only for firearms.
Gunflash duration.
  • flashDuration int specifies the duration of a gunflash effect. Applicable only for firearms.
Gun smoke.
  • smoke bool if set to true, indicates that weapon emits gun smoke. Not applicable for crossbow and harpoon gun.
Gun shell.
  • shell bool if set to true, indicates that weapon emits gun shell. Applicable only for firearms.
Display muzzle flash.
  • muzzleFlash bool specifies whether muzzle flash should be displayed or not. Applicable only for firearms.
Colorize muzzle flash.
  • colorizeMuzzleFlash bool specifies whether muzzle flash should be tinted with the same color as gunflash color. Applicable only for firearms.


Global system settings that is not directly related to gameplay.
How should the application respond to script errors?
Can the game utilize the fast reload feature?
When set to true, the game will attempt to perform fast savegame reloading if current level is the same as the level loaded from the savegame. It will not work if the level timestamp or checksum has changed (i.e. level was updated). If set to false, this functionality is turned off.
  • fastReload bool toggle fast reload on or off.
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